We Seek After
These Things
Recently returned from serving the people of Honduras for 3 years

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Guide Dogs for the Blind

Hello friends,I would soooo appreciate my friends taking a moment to stop by this link and vote for this great charity I'm so fond of -It's called "Tee Off for Dogs" and raises money...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Just Because I Love You

Not because it was your birthday last week and . . .not because it's Father's day this week but . . .just because you're the greatest thing in my life since sliced breadjust because...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Favorite NEW discovery - for the season

WE always spend a week at Lake Powell each summer.It's the highlight of my summer and I love it. Can't believe it's one of the great wonders of this beautiful world and it'spractically...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wow, 28 Years Ago . . .

This week we celebrated the birthday of our firstborn. Wow, 28 years ago . . . it doesn't seem like it could possibly have been that long ago. It seems like just the other day we...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Celebrating Today!

I know I'm being redundant but I'm celebrating big time!I finally have my new photography website up and going. I know many of you have stopped by while it's been under construction...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Favorite Paris Moments

Right away - I knew the week was going to be lovely when I opened up the window in the hotel we stayed in for two nights and had this view . . .Sigh . . . a week in Paris with my girls...
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