We Seek After
These Things
Recently returned from serving the people of Honduras for 3 years

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

And it Begins . . .

We are down to the last few days in our lovely Alpine home . . .

So many people express interest in why we would ever want to leave . . . and the answer is . . .

"It's Complicated" !!
Is it based on the economy?   . . . yeah partially . . .

Is it because we're empty nesters? . . . yeah partially . . .

Is it because we're not getting any younger . . . we value our time (especially the FREE time), and want to spend it in more meaningful ways than cleaning a home that is bigger than we need, and trimming and mowing a yard that is bigger than we need?     . . .  yeah partially . . .

Is it because we have opportunities to serve that we need to be unencumbered by a home? . . . yeah that too!

Is it because I have a son and DIL, and a daughter and SIL and grand baby clear across the country - yeah mostly!

AND . . .
on the other hand . . .

I have loved looking at every single thing in the home and making a consciencious  decision to keep, not to keep, trash or good will an item.  I love it that we are just down to the best of the best!  Reminds me of making decisions about our time and energy . . . . and only making time for those things that are the best of the good, better, best decisions.

In other news today!

Kelsie just returned from Nauvoo - in an outstanding "field trip" with her YSA Stake from Price, Utah.  She has shared some amazing experiences they have been able to have there!

(kelsie & friend at the brand spankin' new Kansas City temple - cute huh??!!
a FB download from a friend of hers!)

We are currently moving almost EVERYTHING out of the home!  We will have to move into an apartment for 3 months while the townhouse is completed!  And it's pack . . . pack . . . pack . . . move . . . move . . . move everyday!

Dustin (in Raleigh) has a new and exciting job!  He is a financial analyst for Red Hat, Inc.  So he is preeettty excited about that!!

My cute little DIL, Sara (yep!  the newest little mom in the family!) just graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in International Studies.  So we are SO pleased with all of her efforts and we're so amazed by all her accomplishments!


And - TA DA!

Our Addi bear arrives with her mom in just 6 and 1/2 hours now!  She is on the plane!  The only time in her life she has been sick is this last week . . . and we've been praying her better all week, because we couldn't stand the thought of her not being able to come for a visit!

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 Last but not least . . .

My darling niece M'liss get's married on Friday, and we have a fabulous girls day planned for tomorrow while the cousins are all together for these few days - before they scatter to the four corners of the country! (just about!~!~)  WE are having our nails done, and our feet done . . . aren't we in for a special treat!!

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(inserted from over at the photog place - Pickled Pepper Photography!)

Tonight - we are finishing up THIS!


A new gorgeous quilt for the beautiful bride to be!
(thank goodness I have my personal assistant and keep tracker of everything current here to help out!  I'd be sooooo sunk!!)

I DO believe that is about all for the moment - but hang onto your hat, things change by the gazillion around here . . .



Thursday, May 3, 2012

Where to Start . . . that is the Question

Oh my goodness . . . where to start . . . 
(sooooo long . . . if you read this you get high fives and kudos next time we meet :)

This last two weeks has been a whirlwind of packing boxes, cleaning out closets . . . putting the house back on the real estate market, taking it back off the real estate market - and finally negotiating a done deal with a closing date of May 24th.  So we are off . . .  (talk about stressful!)

(our first and ONLY garage sale EVER!
it was more like PLEASE just come and take our stuff :)

We got a brief reprieve with a hotel stay away from home for 3 days at the fabulous Marriott Mountain side resort in Park City, Utah.    Of course, it rained and snowed on us daily, but we have many fond memories of hot tubs and swimming pools in the snow and rain, with the steam billowing all around . . .  - no problem :)

(ha! we're practicing living in a smaller space!)

Blessings!  We have many!

A new little grand baby, born April 21 (I KNOW, and I'm JUST barely posting a picture!!!) -
his name is Jonathan and he is adorable.  We just cannot love and hug on him enough . . . and he is totally oblivious, and sleeps through almost all of our visits.  Mom and baby (and daddy . . . no one ever asks about the daddy . . .) are all doing well!

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The house is definitely sold!  We're moving -  and building a townhouse that will allow us to create a simpler life style so we can travel to visit our family living far away from home on a more frequent basis! (And our family living close too! We want to spend more time with them also :)

The more complicated part is that the townhouse won't be completed until August, so Norm and I and our large black lab are moving into a little tiny two bedroom apartment for 3-4 months!  That WILL be FUN, let me tell you . . .

In other good news!

Kelsie was accepted into the LPN to RN program (silly nursing schools make you keep reapplying all along the way!) Hurrah for Kelsie!  She survived her third year of college, which was her first year of nursing school . . . only three more semesters to go to her RN!

She also passed her courses this year with adequate grades to continue on in the nursing program . . . sounds like a simple thing . . . BUT NOT . . .

So HUGE accomplishments there :D

I was able to attend her pinning ceremony (a fun little nursing tradition for each accomplishment, as you pass your LPN year you get an LPN nursing pin, when you pass your RN year, you get an RN nursing pin . . .)

The REST of the Stuff

I managed to attend a few sessions at Women's Conference at BYU  . . . and hey!  I got some chocolate bridge mix from the bookstore (which is my favorite) and a fabulous new backpack from the bookstore . . . along with some amazing notes to uplift and inspire me along the way (maybe it will keep me sane during the next 4 months . . .!!)

In addition I taught Relief Society on Sunday, probably my last lesson as the Relief Society president :(

Norm organized and attended Youth Conference (in his spare time while repainting the entire apartment that we are planning to move into)

Pickled Pepper Photography is undergoing a website transformation!  (Which may take the rest of my life since I have no time to work on it . . . but it is SOOOOOO cute!!)

I am editing photos non stop for the many gorgeous bridals, engagements, newborns, family sessions, and weddings that I've been blessed to be involved in the last couple months.

And when I do have a spare moment or two I love my diet coke and whatever chocolate I can find . . . I think you can almost subsist on the two out of desperation.


I did make this yummy PINTEREST dessert just this week for a birthday party!  It is delish!  And I highly recommend it for any special occasion!

Oh so yummy!

Whew - that will have to do for the moment . . .

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