I love the phrase "publishing peace" . . . I love pondering on what that means in the world today. Sharing testimonies, sharing scriptures, sharing a good thought, recognizing God and giving thanks . . .
I was reminded of one of my favorite "peace publishers" - Natalie, she's an Alpine original . . . much younger and cuter than myself, and wise . . .
She shared these wisdom-ful thoughts that she calls
"34 Things from My Heart to Yours"
(I hope she doesn't mind if I pass them along to you . . . !!)
There are cooler things than the internet.
Sometimes listening to the sound of the rain on the pavement is the best music there is.
Sticking your nose into a pile of warm laundry, fresh out of the dryer, reduces anxiety.
Cell phones are pretty lame.
God loves you. A lot.
Television is NEVER cooler than being outside.
Good fuel = happy living. (Trash in, trash out. Mind, body, spirit.)
A good night’s sleep is totally underrated.
This too shall pass.
Be where you are. (Aka try to do something in the past, try to do something in the future: YOU CAN’T.)
Meditation is more powerful than you could ever imagine.
Kindred friendships exist in places and packages you’d never imagine. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover (or it’s Twitter avatar).
Deep breathing should be celebrated as a consistent part of one’s daily routine.
Life is short. LIVE it well.
Worry is nothing more than praying for what you don’t want.
You can heal.
Eye contact with actual humans is waaaaaaay cooler (and more emotionally satisfying) than text messaging.
Plus, text messaging when you’re around living, breathing human beings just makes you lame.
Being in the ocean is the best practice in mindfulness there is.
We could all live with about 3/4ths less junk.
Purging clutter does wonders for the creative soul.
There’s nothing quite as reassuring as getting up early to watch the sunrise.
A good nickname goes a long way.
Be nice.
There is enough to go around (more than enough, really).
Water a plant. It does something inexplicable for the soul.
Letting people in isn’t as dangerous as you think. It’s actually pretty miraculous.
Life is too short not to get rid of your baggage.
Complete faith and total surrender are mighty powerful things.
It’s never to late to change your ways, to heal what you’ve broken, to try again.
(and finally . . .)
No one’s life is as clean, pretty, or perfect as it appears on their blog.
(hehheheh - isn't that the truth :)