We Seek After
These Things
Recently returned from serving the people of Honduras for 3 years

Monday, May 2, 2011

AND in the NEWS today . . .

When it comes to the news of the day
is my

and that's all I'm gonna say about it . . .


Pedaling said...

there's something satisfying about a little justice served.

Susan Anderson said...

Yep, it's good to know that persistence pays off and justice eventually comes. Having said that, I am not looking forward to the inevitable repercussions.


Joy For Your Journey said...

Normally I think there is something very wrong about celebrating someone's death, but in this case, I think it was justice long overdue. However, I am with Sue, I am a bit nervous about any retaliation that might take place. Still, this should send a strong message to terrorists.

mCat said...

I texted my Marine son to ask if they were on lock down since many military sites have been and his response was "No, it is,Hell Yeah, Obama's dead day"

I think every branch of service feels a little victory in such a huge battle that isn't over.

tammy said...

Love that photo.

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