We Seek After
These Things
Recently returned from serving the people of Honduras for 3 years

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On Learning . . .

Amongst the massive wealth of Facebook info out there everyday . . .

I found this . . .

And I wanted to remember it.

From the life and every day experiences of an LDS Bishop, unpaid, a volunteer, lay person minister . .
Remarkable insight into

he shares . . . I have learned that we believe it is a strength to conceal weakness.
I have learned that it is easy to want others to overlook our flaws as we expect perfection in them.
I have learned that it is hardest to show compassion and grant forgiveness to those closest to us.
I have learned that while curiosity is a strength it can also be a curse.
I have learned that we are creatures of habit.
I have learned that faith is a muscle.
I have learned that it is far easier to deny deity than to deny desire.
I have learned the mystery surrounding death forces a consideration of spiritual matters.
I have learned that observance of the Sabbath recalibrates perspective and improves judgment.
I have learned that most of us bare scars from the failure, disappointment, and fear in our lives.  And, we prefer to wear long sleeves.
I have learned that to deal with life’s pain we all choose one of the following: alcohol, drugs, pornography, or spirituality.
I have learned alcohol and drugs are the easiest path.  As long as you’re willing to never stop drinking, smoking, or swallowing.
I have learned pornography is highly addictive and has nothing to do with sexual appetites and everything to do with escape.  And that the habit is never overcome in isolation.
I have learned that we feel like a failure when we make mistakes even when we profess a belief that the purpose of this existence is to make and learn from them.
I have learned that forgiveness is the greatest gift we can offer someone.  And ourselves.
I have learned that many know about Jesus Christ but more of us could make an effort to know Him.
I have learned that the strongest among us are those with the cleanest mirrors.
I have learned that the sins of parents profoundly affect children.  And are often repeated by them.
I have learned that affection from parents profoundly affects children.
I have learned that most communication between parents and children is what psychologists call “superficial.”  Strong relationships are built on the “validating” variety.
I have learned that children desperately desire parents who listen.
I have learned that churches are not museums or catwalks for perfected saints but rather labs for sinners.
I have learned that “tolerate” and “love” are two very different verbs despite what popular culture professes.
I have learned that there’s more sadness in this world than I had realized.
I have learned there is more goodness in this world than I had realized.
I have learned that to be happy is a choice.
I have learned those preoccupied with serving others have less time to count their problems.
I have learned that a habit of one brief moment of spirituality a day can alter one’s entire direction.
I have learned that we want God to grant us space to make decisions but step in to stop others, nature, mortality, or illness from hurting us or those we love.
I have learned those who have made more mistakes have a great gift.  Empathy.  Now to the matter of searching out someone who hungers for it.
Indeed, I have learned I have much to learn.
The names of those I meet with will never be known.  Confidentiality demands I never disclose their stories.
But, late last night as I sat in my car on the driveway I decided I should compile a list of what the people I meet with are teaching me.
And, I wanted to share it.

And I . . .

Want to share it and remember it. I hope that I can learn from others' 
experience and better reach out to those who surround me.


Andrea said...

That's absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.

Susan Anderson said...

This is great stuff, and I can't wait to share it with my husband!


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